Free Gift Cards From Best Buy - Are They Legit?

by Troy G Jones

Best Buy is a giant chain of stores offering a wide variety of electronics to satisfy just about every whim you have. They carry computers, games, Xboxes, PlayStations, Wiis, and just about anything else computer related under the sun. The big blue Best Buy also carries home and car stereo equipment, satellite radios, and home appliances. But it doesn't come cheap at Best Buy so get a free gift card to ease your burden.

I see a lot of offers for free Best Buy gift cards, which one do I pick?
When you look for free gift cards to stores like Best Buy or Circuit City you will find more offers than you can count. When you search on Google you find a lot of free gift card offers. Many of them are the same offer advertised by different companies. Some of these offers are legitimate some are not. It's not easy to tell which is which at first glance.

If the free gift card seems too good to be true, it probably is...
Remember that no one can afford to give away hundreds of dollars, even thousands, for free. So if you come across an offer promising you $1000 for free with no strings it's probably a scam. The legitimate offers are more likely to be the free gift cards which require participation in their program.

Participation is the price you pay for the free gift card. However, don't assume that you can't come out ahead. First, program participation involves a lot of free trials. Second, the program participation is a hurdle meant to weed out people who fulfill half the offers but never finish. The end result is that you can rapidly assess which offers you want to chase and which you do not.

How do you get the best free gift card to Best Buy?
The first thing you need to do is to find all of the Best Buy Gift Card offers. Compare the dollar value of the gift card to the number of Silver, Gold, and Platinum program requirements. Then rate each offer on a scale of 5 stars. The offer with the most stars is the offer that has the best value to effort ratio.

...Or you could just visit a site that has already rated the free gift card offer against each other (not just Best Buy to Best Buy but Best Buy to Wal-Mart to Home Depot to...etc.). See the resources section if you are interested.

Troy Jones
$1000 Best Buy Gift Card
Search Free Gift Cards by Rating
P.S.: These offers don't always last long so get them while you still can!

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